First task
You have to write a recipe for a first course, a second course and a dessert.
You are recommended to use the following web: http://www.wikiwax.com/
You have to write the word recipes and click onto wikibooks cookbook.
Another web which could be used is http://cocina.lasalvacion.com/. As the recipes are in Spanish, they should be translated into English by using the translator.
Second task
You'll learn vocabulary about:
1. Cooking techniques (poaching, roasting, grilling, baking..... )
2. kitchen tools ( pots and pans, cutlery, crockery ...... )
3. Nutrition (antioxidants, calories, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins, vitamins)
4. Basic food groups (dairy products, cereals, fruit, special diets )
Third task
We will work about Nutrition along with the Science department. The healthiest recipes according to the nutritional value will be chosen